Thursday, May 2, 2024


                              My Fury and Rage inevitably `give way` to the {my} Darkest Sorrow .   

               I KNOW I will Struggle to note the differences between 'Comparative Religions' and Comparative Mythologies for I dare to admit I am both and neither at the same time .   To re-title the above as "The Zen of" Kali is to induce within my tiny monkey brain paroxysms of I-Dentity* unbecoming even of a Scholar-wanna-be* ...  not to mention the {vile} Romanticism needed to accept said Indulgence as pliable Relief, it isn't ANY Relief save for Heart-feelings of "Yeah, that just mite* do" .

               Was it my Zen that finally located a NAME for the Death and Destruction in the Land of Milk and Honey ??  It 'arrived' this morning, in the guise of Head and Heart Ache, ---- the Universe filling my head with Logic oriented Vomit, the Discharge of "Hard-to-Swallow" Atrocities, one after another .   

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