Sunday, May 19, 2024

"Lofty" Idealism

                              Yesterday, we learned that there are a few "Old Schoolers" who want to Restore what was once THE "Republican Agenda" in an Effort to gain Ascendancy .   They view 20% of Old School Republicans who voted for Haley as Evidence of disgruntled Dis-Satisfaction .   They offer a "Return to Forever" i.e., the Re-Establishment of the "Establishment" --- the Status Quo "System" .   I'm no fan of the Establishment even though I Defend its Socialist Tendencies with ALL my Heart and Soul .  

              Here now "Lofty Idealism" versus the Street and Gutter BARBARISM of modern "Choke and Dagger" Ruthlessness--- the one where CRUELTY     IS       the   >>>Point<<< .   

              Horror upon Horror,,, the Gateway of the manifold Hells .

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