Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Nu-Ancient

                              Sometimes 'description' falls to 'explanation' which in turn "falls to" Excuse.   I fucking HATE that .   Excuse  'carries' 'forgiveness' and I fucking Hate THAT as well .   I'm no good when I'm no good.   That ain't good .

               Can folks be "excused" for voting for trump and trumpism ??????

               Two words ::  WOW .

                I will refer to the Old Schoolers as the Olde Guard, since they want to "GUARD" the Principles of Ancient Republicanism .   These Nu-Ancients did NOT offer the "HOW" of Re-Orientation .   How {fucking} EXACTLY  are  the  fence-dwellers  to  be  "converted"  {Born Again}   to    Nu-Ancient Reformation ?

                "Aye, there's the rub!"

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