Friday, May 3, 2024

The ART in SmART

                              I wish... .    I am both smot AND smaht, but it ain't doin' me no good .   A BIG Brain deposited this Redneck Attack Question :  "If you're so fuckin' smart, [then] why ain't you RICH ?"    

             Chuang Tzu would respond with, "The True Man {of Old} did not mind being Poor".  That THAT may have suited the Ancient, but does not suit the Modern .      Can you see it ?

             Somewhere I have tired to describe the Modern Citizen ,  now I offer this :  Great Belief, Great Effort,, Great Training,,, Great Tolerance >>>  the 4 Essentials of Modernity .   Great Belief in One's Self ---- Great Effort :  "To accept the things one cannot change and the Courage to change the things that one can" ----   Great Training >>> NEVER Neglecting the Body ----  Great Tolerance>>> the ULTIMATE Spirit of the Universe .

             Remember that during Wartime it is SURVIVAL that is the Goal .   Only if you SURVIVE can you then effect Repairs and Reformation .   




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