Monday, May 20, 2024


                             I chalked the word 'life' onto the Thought Wall in the expectation that I cood* see* its Essence .   I cood HEAR that something was rwong* .  Then it arrived , there is a lie in Life .  I repeated it a thousand and ten times, it remained , Life and Lief weren't different <> the Sound was the same .  Living Life was therefore Living Lief -- i.e., Living the Lie .  Life as Lie ... .  Recall this American Standard "Life is but a DREAM"  ---  Life is NOT Real =  Life is a Lie .   Thing is, what the fuck do you DO with that ?

             I HAD-TO change its spelling to transact interpretation .   I changed the i to y but that wasn't enough, so I added the ph from phony --->  Lyph .  Better but still unsettling .

             Some folks insist : "You gotta LIVE YOUR DREAM".  2 words ::  OUCH !  {How the fuck does THAT help ?} 

              One word :   It doesn't .

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