Friday, April 24, 2020

Clear Fear

I just opened the front door.  It's pouring in a cotton candy fog.

Before I began I had worked myself uP into a Sci Fi Frenzy.  I was all set to marshal the Forces of Asimov, Herbert, Stappleton, Heinlein, Clark, Bradbury and Verne, just to name a few of my FAVS, in order to validate The Future of A.I and the Demise of Human Industry.  Specifically, what are Humans to 'do' when Robots do EVERYTHING ?   Technically, there won't BE any "Work".  Everyone will sit at home, locked into NOTHING.  That's where we are now. 

Then again, THAT didn't make the Sense I wanted it "to make" except for the "Stay At Home And Do Nothing" Forecast. 

Aint no Sci Fi Genius gonna account for the Imbecility of Present Day American Extreme-Ism, the one that DEFIES 'Planning' and regales "Just Do It".  You Kidz KNOW to what I am referring >>>Returning to Work under Contamination Auspices. 

In the same EXACT "Way" that the Shelter In Place Command was issued, WITHOUT ANY CONSIDERATION FOR UTMOST REALITY, now the Gov blares "ALL CLEAR" where "All Clear" is code for "Fuck You, We Don't Care If You Get Infected and DIE."

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