Friday, April 3, 2020

Rock of Rages's this deal where we PRAISE the Medical Army for executing its HUMANITARIAN DUTY  -- Rightly So  of course.  They have been FEARLESS in their Battlefield Combat DESPITE seemingly clandestine inscrutability of Federal Ineptitude. 

You know what I want ?  I want the Media Forces to ACT in response to the Prevailing Battlefield Conditions and execute THEIR Duties with the FERVOR and SPIRITUAL Commitment of the Medical Army. 

Excoriation, Vilification and Castigation should be the "Order of the Day" EVERY Day, in order to "Counter" trump's daily "I AM THE GREATEST" Propagandal 'Re-Elect ME' Scandal. 

The War RAGES and so too should the Media.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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