Friday, April 3, 2020

Mrs Demure

Yesterday, I had at least a Chance at NOT shooting off my mouth bc I'd finished the awning over the Radial Arm Saw and finally emptied the Micro-Mini-Barn of its excess enabling  me to use it for what it was Intended.  Getting that shit done provides mental "cover" for Film Viewing, (and so) I took advantage with "Zero Dark Thirty".  But then Osama Bin Trump was in Full View, this time with Generals and Secretary of Money, Mini-Brain Minutia.  Despite BRAIN-LIQUEFYING Unemployment Numbers, Minutia spoke of How-Much-Money-Is-Going-To-Be-AWARDED-To Airlines-BAILOUT.  The Secretary of the SBA  Ms. Chokesondick was obsequiously demure as she reassured all of us that "There was no Infighting" between her Association and Mini Minutia's.  Scarify reports had gotten it wrong ???? 

It wasn't "Just That".

Yesterday we learned that Captain Brett Crozier of the Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roosevelt AKA "The BIG Stick" (CVN 71) had been "Relieved of Command"  Navy 'Talk' for YOU'RE FIRED !

Captain Obvious had a fucking SEIZURE as Ramifications floated by as burning junks of twisted metal and demolition debris.

THIS is what brought me to Critical Mass.

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