Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Rule in Cruel

Jesus the God delivered the Resurrection to relieve Humankind of its Fear of Eternal Death.  However, Jesus the Man did NOT "leave behind" a Platform for Inter-Gender Equality.  There is a Parallel in Islam, the One where Mohammed's Divinity was manifested in the Qur'an but Mohammed the MAN did NOT "leave behind" ANY Trajectory for POLITICAL Gender Equality.  Woody Allen snarks, "Science is just an Intellectual DEAD-END" so too Christianity and Islamism --both devoid of Evolutionary Advancement.

It gets worse.

The Catholic Church is rife with Sexual Perversion.  Islam is rife with Terrorism.  You can't miss it.

God-ism was WEAPONIZED in order to facilitate Male >ANIMAL<  Instinctuality.  Women , by Definition, are Incapable of 'Divine' Cruelty, the One of Savagery and Barbarism.  Theirs is a Realm of Maternal Sanctity, the One of "ALL Life is Sacred".

Humankind NEEDS a Reformation !

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

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