Friday, April 3, 2020


We learned that not only is trump FAILING at Command and Control but he is directing FEMA to act as AGENT for PRIVATE INDUSTRY, get this, to SECURE PPE, Respirators and Ventilators to be stockpiled by PRIVATE Corporations so that THEY can continue to EXTORT State Medical Facilities with HIGHEST BIDDER Atrocities. 

This means OUR TAX MONIES are being used to supply PRIVATE INDUSTRIES so that they can sell US   OUR OWN   Equipment and Ventilators. 

NOT ONE Media Nit Wit "picked up" on this Captain OBVIOUS Outrage. 

You combine THAT with Captain Crozier's Dismissal and you get ME ranting and raving in Furious Tumult. 

"But wait, there's MORE"

2,000 of the Ventilators supplied to Medical Facilities (that came out of the National Stockpile) DID NOT WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF reaches PANDEMIC Proportions.

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