Friday, April 24, 2020

"Pressure Sensitive"

I'm at the end of it.  I'm gonna take a Shower and dissolve.

Yesterday I "lugged" a Boulder until it was up-against Another.  3 Tons of  Steel Cable Pull wasn't enough to Persuade further movement.  Now what ?   I got 1 Ton Screw Jack that was Once Upon A Time on the Side of the Road, and gained about an eighth of an inch of verticallity.  I fetched the 4 foot Pry Bar and added almost half an inch.  As I stood applying pressure I wondered What the fuck good does THIS do ?  The Bite was too strong for any kind of slide. 

A l------o-------n-------g Time ago I picked up 2 steel 'plates'.  They looked as if they could be useful.  They measured only 5 X 8 but So What ?

I got them, applied pressure and place one between the Stones. 

Guess what happened.

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

1 comment:

  1. Get 4 steel plates 36” by 36” let me know when you have them ,,,,,,,cause I got something for you in september
