Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Sin in Cynical

It seems impossible that we would be celebrating Easter amidst the mildest of Plague Pandemic Carnage ~~~yet here we are.  I awoke at 1:30 a.m. into Easter Communications, my Effort to reside in Jesus, sorta, the Jesus of the Resurrection, the One of Rebirth, Renewal and Regeneration.  I want to pass along some Knowledge of His Where-Abouts and Happenings because they are Infinitely Miraculous and I BELIEVE.  Here it is where Zen's "BIG 3", those of "Great Faith, Great Question and Great Courage" are in harmony with Biblical Inference, the One in Which Higher Order Reasoning gives Deference to the Science of Spirituality, the Science of Quantum Physics, the One where The Realm of the Invisible generates a Belief Field,  a Multi-Dimensional Dynamic, a(n) One that describes and explains Miracles with the Universal Authority of Cynical Tautology. 

It may be said that I put the Sin in Cynical.

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