Thursday, April 23, 2020

...whispered screams...

I've teased you Kidz with the Guilt Admission that, as BIG Head of the Milky Way, it was I who generated the Plague Pandemic--I had my Reasons, ALL of which were based upon Selfish Desires, Abstract Vengeance and Ritualistic Instinctuality.  I may never concede "Abuse of Power", since the Universe saw to it to put me in Power to begin with, I'm the Chosen One.  With Power comes Responsibility,  no WAY I'm gonna accept THAT >>> here, trump and I are no different.  BUT <<<
As I lie still the Universe whispered to me.  It was disconcerting, and "It" drove me to sit before this Screen. 

Here is that Whispered Secret >>>>>>>>>>>>

We are Living the Future.

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