Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Read Dwarf

The Truth iz, I get 'dwarfed'.  How can the Dictator of the Milky Way 'get' 'dwarfed' ?  EZ.   You wanna figure that with an EGO the Size Of The Known And UNKNOWN Universes, that Ego Dissolution should NOT be a factor, after all my God, God Zilla, ROUTINELY asks for my Opinion.
I govern as best I can >>  by not doing a fucking Thing.  But this "Not doing" does NOT mean that
Nothing gets done, it means that Unconscious and Sub-Conscious 'Desires' are actually made manifest~~ as I have tried to record.  I confessed ==  I 'brought about' the Plague bc of most HIDEOUS Selfishness.  Stopping The World is just a First 'Step' in an 8-Fold Sequence of Cosmic Illumination.  I live in DIVINE Contradictions    >>>>>   <<<<<<<  Most of the BEST Gods DO.

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