Friday, April 3, 2020

Osama Bin Trump

Back in the Day I wooda had the Strength and Energy to depict trump as an American Osama Bin Laden a One whose Fundamentalist Devotion to The Almighty BUCK causes Capitalism to redefine itself as Corruptionalism.  It is, at least for me, rapaciously agonizing  NOT   to view trump as a Capitalist TERROR-IST, a Some One who, in TREASONOUS Blaspheme, REFUSES to invoke FEDERAL AUTHORITY -  The POWER of Presidential COMMAND and CONTROL, in order to Secure IMMEDIATE Protection and Quatermastery of Desperately Needed Pandemic Suppression Supplies and Technology, not to mention Funds for RESEARCH, TESTING and THERAPEUTICS.  I run the risk of devolving Rhetorical Bombast into "South Park" Contagion, a one of Addictive Strain, a one over which I have NO Control. 

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