Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Written in Stoned

I have tried to express, with Rationality, the Nature of  'Escape Into Enlightenment' ~~  the DESIRE to avoid Academic Confrontation with Political Reality, by Entering the Realm of   '270' Freedom, that of Rock Souls and Geomancy 'Manipulation'.  This 'residence' in 'Make Believe' is, in Psychological Actuality, the Realm of COSMIC Intelligence, what we here on Earth recognize as "Imagination".  Facts by themselves, do NOT offer Understanding, nor can they;  in that alone, they  manifest a Scientific Sterility that denies Apprehension and somehow defies Awareness.  However, if you introduce Imagination to Facts, the use (and abuse) of Imagination in the forms of Simile and Metaphors, then not only is Comprehension nearby but 'Grasping' is literally "At Hand".  This 'THIS' is awarded "Insight" and IT somehow transcends Understanding by providing Mental RELIEF.  The Mind of OBSESSIVE Curiosity, is quieted by The Knowledge of Knowing.  I strive for this 'Knowing'.

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