Friday, April 3, 2020

Critical ASS

My ability to sit and rite for hours at a time has evaporated even over these last few years.  I allow myself to get to a 'critical mass' before the Universe CRUSHES me and I MUST 'empty' my head in "Johnny Mnemonic" Fashion.  Also, but not restricted to, I've been trying to keep my goddamn 'trap' SHUT in order to at least TRY and release a more POSITIVE slant on Prevailing Conditions. That THAT is suppose to accord with, "If you haven't got anything GOOD to say, then keep your goddamn mouth CLOSED."  "It" isn't working.  I've got a BAD fucking mouth and as a result I 'bad-mouth'.

I would have 'run away' yesterday too, were it not for "Zero Dark Thirty" and the Pit Bull Bitch Savagery of Unrelenting Heavenly Ordained Resignation EXQUISITELY portrayed by Flame Headed Jessica Chastain who in one line depicted American Vengeance >>  "I've been after this asshole for TWELVE Years, and you're gonna kill him for me." 

You don't FUCK with Miss America.

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