Thursday, April 23, 2020

Rocks in his Head

I awoke from a dream in which the Death People were "after" me.  Oddly, (or not), they wanted to orgy with me but then kill me.  It wuz a whole new Level of What The Fuck.  I relieved myself and returned to bed---it was only 1:30 a.m.--but I was suspicious.  Tentatively I asked the Universe what It wanted.  This isn't the time of year to sacrifice an entire day, which is what I'd have to do in order to full-fill the Universe's Demands.  However, the Forecast calls for Rain all day,, I moved BIG Rock Yesterday,,,, so I'm in decent shape,,,,,well ahead of Spring Planting Protocol, indeed, the potatoes were planted yesterday !!!!

Since the Plague Pandemic I've resigned to get off and STAY Off the so-called "Pity Pot" and, instead, offer a Daily dose of the severest Insanity, my Artistic Delusion, that I can realign the Vertebrae of a Dragon / Dinosaur-- and in so doing >> Capture Cosmic Energies, that I may Heal myself of Psychic Deformities and Mental >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Obstructions.  Technically it's "The Great Escape", a "Running Away" from ritualistic Fury, the Froth and Drool of Political Seizures. 

I'm not a well man, as, my Daily Output is nothing less than a Comic Strip of an Aging Swordsman gone the Way of Releasing Infinity an eighth of an inch at a Time.  My Latest Delusion is that BIG Rock has within it, Time.

Anybody see THAT coming ?

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