Friday, April 3, 2020

..."I", "I", "I"...

I awoke with 'Inadequacy', 'Ineptitude', and 'Ignorance' ringing in my head like a snarling reminder from a Westbend Wind-up.  It was 2:30 a.m.  I'd been running away from Duty, choosing to enter the Realm of Bliss in order to avoid the Plague Cacophony of  Unremitting Horror that only Media Nit Wits can generate.  As you are, I am SICK of the lack of "Attention to detail" these highly paid but academically SCURRILOUS 'reporters' manifest.   By now, you've witnessed trump's Daily
"I AM THE GREATEST" Campaign PITCH, where he seeks NOT to dispense "Truth, Justice and the American Way" but rather to blind, confuse and obfuscate the American Electorate in order to inculcate a Propaganda which en-nobles HIS 'Activities' despite the FACT that these 'efforts' are RESOUNDINGLY paltry if not flat-out PATHETIC. 

I will take "It" into a Step Further and INSIST that trump's INSANE desire to be treated as KING is not only TREASONOUS, but FOUNDATION for yet ANOTHER Congressional Condemnation which should result in IMPEACHMENT. 

The Media has forsaken RABID Investigative Savagery that they may cow to to a Global Pandemic which somehow has effected their Will to Intelligence.  Their PATHETIC 'movements' have allowed if not ENCOURAGED trump to LITERALLY "Get away with wholesale MURDER" >>  53 footers with refrigeration belly tanks parked outside over-run Hospitals are PROOF.

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