Saturday, April 11, 2020

Purgatory Purge

According to the Myth, When Jesus left His Body, He did NOT ascend to sit at the Right Hand of His Father.  Instead,  He went to (a) 'Purgatory' wherein lie the Patriarchs of the Past.  These Saints, Rabbis, Teachers and Scholars also did not die and enter the Realm of Heaven.  In a sense they could not because they retained the Sins of Humankind, they had NOT received the Teaching of Jesus the Christ, they were NOT "Saved" and COULD not be Saved without Jesus.  I must confess, that 'That' is troubling. 

They were "laid to rest"-sorta- and their Souls were put into a Spiritual Coma.  Iconographic depictions have them WITH their Bodies INTACT, however, NOT in serious decomposition.
Artists have chosen to depict them in a Realm of Glorious---Dream Free---Slumber.  My favorite has Jesus, resplendent in Royal Robes, gently touching the shoulders of the Mighty, lovingly arousing them to Awakening. 

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