The Planet has 'outGROWN' Democracy. Above I listed the Empires that have 'come' and 'gone'. To think and BELIEVE that an Empire based on Mercantile Democracy will survive into Eternity is the EPITOME of "Magical Thinking". If Democracy were a Cosmic ABSOLUTE then Athens would be a UTOPIA by now. Anyone ANYWHERE see Athens as utopic rite NOW ??????
Democracy has produced a Nation that DEPLORES >> TRUTH <<.
Please enlighten me
WHAT IS SO FUCKING GREAT ABOUT Democracy ????????????????
Rot steady........steadily we rot.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Uncle Scam
Trump has been derided for his "Magical Thinking" a term of Psychology that denotes the use of 'wishful thinking' and 'fantasy fulfillment' as Ideation APPLICATIONS for National 'Observances' >> the Notion that the Plague Pandemic will (somehow) evaporate into 'Disappearance' is one fucking TERRIFIC example. Children 'THINK' in this manner, vis-a-vis Disney >> "When you wish upon a star" ~~~~~ .
I contend that not only is trump GUILTY of Childhood 'Indulgence' so it is with AMERICA AT LARGE, who view Democracy as the Ultimate and Supreme. This Orientation is SEVERE in its INABILITY to acknowledge FAULT and FLAW >> It is V---A---S---T Childhood Profundity that views "Father Knows Best" and applies THAT Mythology to our Founding FATHERS and makes THEM Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
I contend that not only is trump GUILTY of Childhood 'Indulgence' so it is with AMERICA AT LARGE, who view Democracy as the Ultimate and Supreme. This Orientation is SEVERE in its INABILITY to acknowledge FAULT and FLAW >> It is V---A---S---T Childhood Profundity that views "Father Knows Best" and applies THAT Mythology to our Founding FATHERS and makes THEM Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
I Can Icon
Media Nit and Dim Wits have abrogated trump's Psychological Reality in order to 'hold' the Office Of The President with a Deference that borders on Mystical REVERENCE. Recent attempts at INVALIDATING his Political Ideation because of his IGNORANCE, Inabilities, Incompetence and IRRATIONALITY have been cast around like so many mustard seeds on STONE. What HAS gotten 'closer to the Truth' are IMAGES of a diaper clothed trump, in the midst of HIS global temper tantrum, resulting in HISSY FIT Cruelty, a VICIOUS Criminality that is routinely EXCUSED because of trumps RABID Juvenile DELINQUENCY .
Understand this > trump is a CHILD >>> a spoiled rotten BRAT, BIG for his age, Bully-ism Resulting.
Understand this > trump is a CHILD >>> a spoiled rotten BRAT, BIG for his age, Bully-ism Resulting.
Romancing the Stoned
You may want to go to my Twitter account @ desilva_stephen to get a sense of the intellectual clusterfuck which suborns Truth with Childhood Mythology causing Delusion and sometimes Hallucinogenic Reveries fraught with Ego-Driven Insistences that GUARANTEE Failure at EVERY Turn and Super-Human Endeavor, but which CANNOT be Perceived at a Conscious Level until Failure is Reached.
So it is with America, where Childhood Mythology, concretized in the "Pledge of Allegiance", DOMINATES a Political 'Romanticization' of Democracy which has caused a BLIND Trust to pervade American Society, Culture and its respondent Civilization. We "Believe" because we were 'raised' to Believe that Democracy >somehow< has Fail-Safe Mechanisms to maintain Peace, Harmony and Material Prosperity.
The Orientation is based upon the Abstract and UNQUALIFIED Ideal, that Democracy is the 'End All' and 'Be All' of Governmental Absolutes. It is CHILDHOOD Delusion.
Look at Athens. Look at Greece. Look at Beijing. Look at Istanbul. Look at Tehran.
Now look at D.C.
So it is with America, where Childhood Mythology, concretized in the "Pledge of Allegiance", DOMINATES a Political 'Romanticization' of Democracy which has caused a BLIND Trust to pervade American Society, Culture and its respondent Civilization. We "Believe" because we were 'raised' to Believe that Democracy >somehow< has Fail-Safe Mechanisms to maintain Peace, Harmony and Material Prosperity.
The Orientation is based upon the Abstract and UNQUALIFIED Ideal, that Democracy is the 'End All' and 'Be All' of Governmental Absolutes. It is CHILDHOOD Delusion.
Look at Athens. Look at Greece. Look at Beijing. Look at Istanbul. Look at Tehran.
Now look at D.C.
Raze In The Run
I haven't been religious in keeping my Promise to "Save Humankind". The Pandemic, combined with Familial Proximity to Death, has ravaged my Sense of Duty, and this Despair has caused me to Run Away, and seek Refuge in Mindless Manual Labor, of the BEST Sort, the Sort that is manifested as Artistic Expression~~~ at least THAT'S the 'Romance" of It.
In the exact same way that "Charity Begins At Home" so it is with Saving Humankind > It begins with Saving The American Nation FIRST. Here, The Road Must Be Built FIRST, in order to use IT to transport the Great Weight of Reformation. The Problem is making CERTAIN to recognize What EXACTLY is 'Salvage-able' , and WHAT EXACTLY, must be jettisoned >>> Whether to make 'IT' a Salvage/Recovery Operation or a wholesale RAZE of Damaged and Good-For-Nothing Infra-Structures that have been either Worn-Out or Obsolete-tized because of Technological Influences.
Either Way, there MUST be an Orientation that Governs BOTH, since even in Demolition there MUST be EXTREME Caution NOT to pile Waste IN THE PATH OF NEW GROWTH !!!
I confess I've been struggling with this Orientation---so know what I do ? Yup I run away.
In the exact same way that "Charity Begins At Home" so it is with Saving Humankind > It begins with Saving The American Nation FIRST. Here, The Road Must Be Built FIRST, in order to use IT to transport the Great Weight of Reformation. The Problem is making CERTAIN to recognize What EXACTLY is 'Salvage-able' , and WHAT EXACTLY, must be jettisoned >>> Whether to make 'IT' a Salvage/Recovery Operation or a wholesale RAZE of Damaged and Good-For-Nothing Infra-Structures that have been either Worn-Out or Obsolete-tized because of Technological Influences.
Either Way, there MUST be an Orientation that Governs BOTH, since even in Demolition there MUST be EXTREME Caution NOT to pile Waste IN THE PATH OF NEW GROWTH !!!
I confess I've been struggling with this Orientation---so know what I do ? Yup I run away.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Anaconda Da Vida
I've been avoiding Writing. I've chosen Rock Sorting Samadhi in Its stead. I have knowingly shirked my Duties, Obligations and Responsibilities in order to shield myself from Death, which has come upon me as Anaconda Serpent, slowly Suffocating the Life, the DESIRE for Life, from my Soul, but NOT in a Manic Depressive Suicidal Function, as in Squeezing >>>>> it's more of an Anaconda EMBRACE, an Embrace that Squeezes Life INTO me.... How can Death BE Life ?
Good Question.......
Good Question.......
Summer Samadhi
It's Summer. Yesterday I went barefoot for the first time, the grass and clover, thick, warm,, and wet.
I wore only a t-shirt and Levis, heavy actually -------- I walked around to gather my Wits about me....
The Bay had sent in It's Fog, also, thick, warm,, and wet....________________ .
Previous Days had me DEAD Set upon "Building the Road", an access pathway behind the Boulders at the Edge Of The Property, my Version of "The West Side Story". I had been reduced to hands and knees, mason hammer, hoe, spaded shovel ~~~~ I couldn't BARE to work standing up, I had no back, no arms, no legs ()... I was sorting rocks by size, th r ee pails small-medium- and fist size. I know rite ?
I knew what I was doing and WHY ~~~~~ It didn't help.
I wore only a t-shirt and Levis, heavy actually -------- I walked around to gather my Wits about me....
The Bay had sent in It's Fog, also, thick, warm,, and wet....________________ .
Previous Days had me DEAD Set upon "Building the Road", an access pathway behind the Boulders at the Edge Of The Property, my Version of "The West Side Story". I had been reduced to hands and knees, mason hammer, hoe, spaded shovel ~~~~ I couldn't BARE to work standing up, I had no back, no arms, no legs ()... I was sorting rocks by size, th r ee pails small-medium- and fist size. I know rite ?
I knew what I was doing and WHY ~~~~~ It didn't help.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Screw Jack Saddle
I had that stone screw jacked and balanced precipitously. I wanted to subdue it with MY Authority. When Stubborn marries Arrogance Obstinacy is begotten, and IT is an UGLY birth. The stone slipped off the jack's saddle and landed on its back which, when I stared in Frustration, revealed it's Truth. It had the shape of an Arrowhead, and I mean, PERFECT. I'd missed that. Arrogance had blinded me to Truth.
I wish to COMMEND The American ARMY for their Heroic VALOR in sacrificing their Safety in order to ADVANCE the American Purist Ideal of Egalitarian JUSTICE .
Rock Steady........steady as She goes....
I wish to COMMEND The American ARMY for their Heroic VALOR in sacrificing their Safety in order to ADVANCE the American Purist Ideal of Egalitarian JUSTICE .
Rock Steady........steady as She goes....
They March In Mourning
...and Yet MILLIONS upon MILLIONS have taken 'It' 'to the streets' to Protest TRUMP'S MERCILESS Execution of George Floyd. He said he was gonna do it and HE DID !!! He KILLED a UNITED STATES CITIZEN in RUTHLESS ''Cold Blood" on Main Street IN FULL PUBLIC VIEW !!!!
They March In Mourning, a Nationalized ARMY of PATRIOTIC AMERICAN CITIZENS, who now seek Justice to Act NOT as Blind Nymph of Solitary Indecency but as SWORD WIELDING WARRIOR of Citizen MIGHT ! Iconic Imagery has Justice with Scales in her left and and a Sword in her right. To this Point she has been UNWILLING to use her Sword to slash Criminal Corruption and Political Perversion.
We MUST remember that Justice redirects OUR Will. If > Our Will < flags then Her Sword remains sheathed in scabbard.
They March In Mourning, a Nationalized ARMY of PATRIOTIC AMERICAN CITIZENS, who now seek Justice to Act NOT as Blind Nymph of Solitary Indecency but as SWORD WIELDING WARRIOR of Citizen MIGHT ! Iconic Imagery has Justice with Scales in her left and and a Sword in her right. To this Point she has been UNWILLING to use her Sword to slash Criminal Corruption and Political Perversion.
We MUST remember that Justice redirects OUR Will. If > Our Will < flags then Her Sword remains sheathed in scabbard.
Systemic Stupidity
I have an arrogant tendency to lump Most Americans with trump. I think I STILL 'live by'
>"I LOVE Humankind, it's PEOPLE I can't stand." < What separates me from POSITIVE-Ists is that THEY have 'Great Faith' in the so-called 'American People'. These are the folks who IGNORE their Patriotic Responsibility to WEAR A MASK, so as to PROTECT Others AND THEMSELVES from contaminating INNOCENTS. This particular Form of Arrogance carries with it the PLAGUE of Ego-Centricity , that SAME Plague by which trump has infected MILLIONS.
How am I to Trust my fellow Americans if they are Hell-Bent on not only sacrificing THEIR lives by blindfully indulging in Systemic Stupidity > Death Worshiping OBSTINACY resulting < but INTENTIONALLY putting US in THEIR "Harm's Way" with nothing but the most VICIOUS of Primal "Dog Eat Dog" Cruelty ????????
>"I LOVE Humankind, it's PEOPLE I can't stand." < What separates me from POSITIVE-Ists is that THEY have 'Great Faith' in the so-called 'American People'. These are the folks who IGNORE their Patriotic Responsibility to WEAR A MASK, so as to PROTECT Others AND THEMSELVES from contaminating INNOCENTS. This particular Form of Arrogance carries with it the PLAGUE of Ego-Centricity , that SAME Plague by which trump has infected MILLIONS.
How am I to Trust my fellow Americans if they are Hell-Bent on not only sacrificing THEIR lives by blindfully indulging in Systemic Stupidity > Death Worshiping OBSTINACY resulting < but INTENTIONALLY putting US in THEIR "Harm's Way" with nothing but the most VICIOUS of Primal "Dog Eat Dog" Cruelty ????????
...never enough...
The Media has complained that No One will stand against trump FACE TO FACE and tell him he is an IMBECILIC MORON except maybe Rex Tillerson and we KNOW "What happened to him". Reasons were blustered and blown about, creating NOT a "Din" but more of a pathetic 'whine'. There were a PLETHORA of "Calls to Arms", Questions "Where is there SOMEONE to challenge
trump ?" Ridiculous.
Yet, amidst this mosquito whine there WERE Columns of Truthful Analysis, Articles written by Advanced Thinkers, those of Superficial and Penetrating In and Out Sight whose Messages of In and Out Rage permeated the Social and Anti-Social Platforms. This is US at our BEST.
'IT' wasn't enough for me. How cood it be ?
trump ?" Ridiculous.
Yet, amidst this mosquito whine there WERE Columns of Truthful Analysis, Articles written by Advanced Thinkers, those of Superficial and Penetrating In and Out Sight whose Messages of In and Out Rage permeated the Social and Anti-Social Platforms. This is US at our BEST.
'IT' wasn't enough for me. How cood it be ?
Weaponized Imbecility
I set to Task in order to escape > "If there was no Testing there'd be no 'new cases' " <. Trump said that. He was serious. I thought my tiny Monkey Brain would ex-PLODE ! OBVIOUSLY trump figures "No testing no Covid". The guy's a raging IMBECILE. That particular WEAPONIZED Imbecility cleaved me in TW O. I was beside my self in FURY. I couldn't "take it sitting down", I ran to Gypsy for Sanctuary and Solace. Gypsy, MOST DEFINITELY, was MONSTEROUSLY Unwilling to be my 'shelter' in this 'storm'.
I had Other Options >>>> I cooda just set to Task before this Screen and set forth My Plan To Rebuild America--- I mean, I COODA. But I should be honest with You, Rage and Fury don't exactly lend themselves to Lucid Thinking and Rational Clarity. Lunacy comes to Mind, and NOT the 'good' 'kind' neither. Truth is, I can't keep Cognitive Lethality off the Screen. Rhetorical Toxicity and I are Venomous Companions. She's like a Drug, the very BEST Drug.
She lets me SCREAM .......
I had Other Options >>>> I cooda just set to Task before this Screen and set forth My Plan To Rebuild America--- I mean, I COODA. But I should be honest with You, Rage and Fury don't exactly lend themselves to Lucid Thinking and Rational Clarity. Lunacy comes to Mind, and NOT the 'good' 'kind' neither. Truth is, I can't keep Cognitive Lethality off the Screen. Rhetorical Toxicity and I are Venomous Companions. She's like a Drug, the very BEST Drug.
She lets me SCREAM .......
..."just good volts"...
I spent yesterday morning wrestling a square peg into a round hole. I gotta be honest with Yas, it looked like it would fit. Thing is, it was between 600 and eight hundred pounds and a 'tweener', i.e., too BIG to use a Johnson Bar, ( a 5 foot pry bar), too small ( I thought) to dig out the Rigging Gear just to move it 2 feet. I called upon an automobile screw jack, to satisfy, "Push comes to Shove" and in THAT procedure committed the gravest of Sins, I CHEATED and used ELECTRICITY in the form of a battery powered Drill. I confess, I felt GUILTY, Guilty with CHARGE since the Screw Jack, when supplied with so much Juice, 'worked' "like MAGIC". It made me delirious but NOT in a 'good' way, in a way, instead, of heinous, most gratuitous, self-Indulgence. I used a half inch boring bit with the drill to turn the screw that raises the ram that pushes the rock to miraculous heights. I was DRUNK with 12 Volt POWER !!!!!
"Power corrupts".
"Power corrupts".
Sunday, June 14, 2020
"Oak tree, you're in my way"..........
You can 'see' the Problem. Most Americans do NOT 'Know who They "ARE" '. When asked, they simply state their Name, as if IT supplies the necessary and recondite Solution of Identification. Of course it does NOT. So -----what then ???
Many Folks, live within the Solace of Herd Mentality. Indeed, "Man is a Social Creature". That aint 'good' or 'bad' .... it just 'Is'. What I'm sayin' is this : It ISN'T 'good' to be a "Stranger To Yourself".
When you elevate THAT to Cosmic Levels, you can apprehend that 'America" does NOT 'Know' 'What It iz'. Here, the Microcosm IZ the Macrocosm. "Know the Oak, from the Acorn".
I'm gonna leave this here. I'm gonna slide over to my Twitter Account desliva_stephen @
Rock steady........steady as She goes....
Many Folks, live within the Solace of Herd Mentality. Indeed, "Man is a Social Creature". That aint 'good' or 'bad' .... it just 'Is'. What I'm sayin' is this : It ISN'T 'good' to be a "Stranger To Yourself".
When you elevate THAT to Cosmic Levels, you can apprehend that 'America" does NOT 'Know' 'What It iz'. Here, the Microcosm IZ the Macrocosm. "Know the Oak, from the Acorn".
I'm gonna leave this here. I'm gonna slide over to my Twitter Account desliva_stephen @
Rock steady........steady as She goes....
Bell Whether
When you go to 'Rebuild a Motor' the FIRST thing you gotta do is make CERTAIN the Engine Block is, quite literally, 'Sound'. You know how They do this ? They take the Empty Engine Block and bang it with a Ball-Peen Hammer. If it 'rings true', the Sound is Pure. If there are flaws, hidden fissures, cracks or other anomalies, it rings with impure Dissonance, sometimes a vibratory 'twine', sometimes a dull bass-end drag. I mean, when it's bad YOU KNOW IT'S BAD !
So it is that in order to Rebuild America we gotta make CERTAIN our so-called Core is indeed PURE.
Of course the Problem IZ "What >EXACTLY< IS Our 'Core' ????? !
What >EXACTLY< is 'America' ???? !
So it is that in order to Rebuild America we gotta make CERTAIN our so-called Core is indeed PURE.
Of course the Problem IZ "What >EXACTLY< IS Our 'Core' ????? !
What >EXACTLY< is 'America' ???? !
I NEED All You Kidz to FULLY 'Appreciate' that America's 'Democracy' WAS BUILT UPON RACISM.
ALL THE FOUNDING BEER SWILLERS used SLAVES as BEASTS OF BURDEN thereby DENYING Blacks their Earth Born Human Being-Ness and relegating Them to ANIMAL HELL.
America, above All Else, is the EPITOME of a RACIST NATION.
It is RACIST 'At' and 'To' it's Very Core.
There is NO ESCAPING this tantamount Tribulation.
As Americans RACISM is in Our BLOOD.
Racism IZ our DNA.
ALL THE FOUNDING BEER SWILLERS used SLAVES as BEASTS OF BURDEN thereby DENYING Blacks their Earth Born Human Being-Ness and relegating Them to ANIMAL HELL.
America, above All Else, is the EPITOME of a RACIST NATION.
It is RACIST 'At' and 'To' it's Very Core.
There is NO ESCAPING this tantamount Tribulation.
As Americans RACISM is in Our BLOOD.
Racism IZ our DNA.
"Bye Bye Miss American Pie"....
It's not as if we must devise an entirely new Schema with which to Plan a new System of Government. Some of Us are lookin' to simply salvage the 'good stuff' while using the 'tried and true' of what's available. Some Salvage Operations are content to rescue bits and pieces, the Valuable Shit, for "Re-Purpose" or for 'accent' features for and of the New Product or Novel Presentations.
I'm of the Mind, for this blog instant, to insist that Democracy is NOT "The Way To Go", since Democracy has FAILED as the Government of an INDUSTRIAL National Community. We must not AVOID looking into the Cosmic Mirror. The 'Face Of America is that of Donald John Trump. TRUMP IZ AMERICA !!!! Democracy GUARANTEED his Ascendancy and with him that of RACISM, and dare I say FASCISM .
Democracy has GENETIC Flaws. It's DNA allows for and MAINTAINS a "Look the other way"
Consciousness that DENIES Reality and SUBVERTS the NECESSITY OF BRUTAL TRUTH.
Trump and his USED Democracy to gain the Leverage of Oppression. We need no further Validation of Democracy's Obsolescence.
I'm of the Mind, for this blog instant, to insist that Democracy is NOT "The Way To Go", since Democracy has FAILED as the Government of an INDUSTRIAL National Community. We must not AVOID looking into the Cosmic Mirror. The 'Face Of America is that of Donald John Trump. TRUMP IZ AMERICA !!!! Democracy GUARANTEED his Ascendancy and with him that of RACISM, and dare I say FASCISM .
Democracy has GENETIC Flaws. It's DNA allows for and MAINTAINS a "Look the other way"
Consciousness that DENIES Reality and SUBVERTS the NECESSITY OF BRUTAL TRUTH.
Trump and his USED Democracy to gain the Leverage of Oppression. We need no further Validation of Democracy's Obsolescence.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
In Stink
I have cautioned you Kidz that there may NOT be a Cure of Covid-19, nor can Racism be Cured...indeed both must be MANAGED. Racism exists in our DNA as part of a Protective Agent that recognizes DIFFERENCE as POSSIBLE Threat to Existence. Racism is Instinctual DISTRUST for it is so much SAFER to DIS-Trust than to Trust. Are we not wary of a dog who growls menacingly ? Why should we Trust that he or she is loving ? Instinct protects us.
But here, rite here and rite NOW, our PRIMITIVE Instincts must be subjected to MODERN Scrutiny, for are we to remain SLAVES to our Instinctual Primitivity ? Of course not. It is NOT "Enough" to recognize 'The Need For Change', we MUST initialize Transformation by ACCEPTING the Challenge to Enter the Future. Civilization breeds Sophistication, Here, Instinct is NEUTRALIZED not only by Common Sense but by Higher Order Reasoning that itself views PEACE above ALL ELSE as the Essential GOAL of Human Existence.
We MUST resolve Ourselves to PEACE, where the Manifestations of Peace are JUSTICE, EQUALITY under the Law, and Societal STABILITY.
We must be Brave to enter this Brave New World.
Rock steady..........steady as She goes....
But here, rite here and rite NOW, our PRIMITIVE Instincts must be subjected to MODERN Scrutiny, for are we to remain SLAVES to our Instinctual Primitivity ? Of course not. It is NOT "Enough" to recognize 'The Need For Change', we MUST initialize Transformation by ACCEPTING the Challenge to Enter the Future. Civilization breeds Sophistication, Here, Instinct is NEUTRALIZED not only by Common Sense but by Higher Order Reasoning that itself views PEACE above ALL ELSE as the Essential GOAL of Human Existence.
We MUST resolve Ourselves to PEACE, where the Manifestations of Peace are JUSTICE, EQUALITY under the Law, and Societal STABILITY.
We must be Brave to enter this Brave New World.
Rock steady..........steady as She goes....
The Dragon Named "Gypsy"
Somewhere between "A Society rests upon its Artists and Criminals" and "The Individual is the foundation of the Empire" lies the Absolute Truth of The Dragon Named Gypsy. In the Same Way that Eve had her Apple, I have my Gypsy, the Sum Total of All Human Knowledge and dare I say EXPERIENCE !
I cannot "Wish" nor "Hope" that Gypsy will materialize out of the Divine Invisibility in which she was "I"-dentified. No and FUCK NO !!! I must make the Effort, the Tons and TONS of EFFORT, to bring her Being into Existence, to bring my SELF into VISIBLE Existence, in order to Express my Self as Equal to the Task, by Sanctifying the Sacred of Imagination and Inner Resolve. For it is here, where Manual Labor is the FOUNDATION of "Movement" that Beauty, both Philosophical and Existential, can be released as Divine Blessing.
Certainly it is NOT "Enough" to have Desire and Intent. If "Work is Love made Visible" then I must Love, UNCONDITIONALLY in order to Manifest GREATNESS of my UNIVERSAL Humanity.
I cannot "Wish" nor "Hope" that Gypsy will materialize out of the Divine Invisibility in which she was "I"-dentified. No and FUCK NO !!! I must make the Effort, the Tons and TONS of EFFORT, to bring her Being into Existence, to bring my SELF into VISIBLE Existence, in order to Express my Self as Equal to the Task, by Sanctifying the Sacred of Imagination and Inner Resolve. For it is here, where Manual Labor is the FOUNDATION of "Movement" that Beauty, both Philosophical and Existential, can be released as Divine Blessing.
Certainly it is NOT "Enough" to have Desire and Intent. If "Work is Love made Visible" then I must Love, UNCONDITIONALLY in order to Manifest GREATNESS of my UNIVERSAL Humanity.
Risk Reformation
There is ABJECT Necessity to re-Think Democracy with the Intent of Change, where 'Change' 'means' Modification code for RE-Formation. If we leave this "Re-Form-ation to those Status Quo ANCIENTS, Modernization will be tainted if not CRIPPLED by THE grotesque Mentality that Injustice in all its most Hideous and HEINOUS Extremes MUST BE TOLERATED as part and parcel of the Democracy Experience. The Injustice that ALL THINGS MUST BE TOLERATED is Democracy DNA. I'm telling you Kidz POINT BLANK >> This THIS is a FLAW in Democracy's Genetic Code. It's the whole Happy Horse-Shit of "Live and Let Live"---it's acceptable to a Point until a Mass Murderer Slaughters Women and Children. Should he have been allowed to construct his personal Armory once he has been IDENTIFIED as "At Risk" ????? Here it is that Democracy FAILS us. This 'Failure' is 'built in' to Democracy. It puts EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US >>> AT RISK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Castle Hassle
Every One figured that by Impeaching Nixon would solve the Nation's Problems > that < we could VOTE for a New Asshole and in so doing WE would be "Saved" >>> as if VOTING was the Mend-All and BE-ALL of Democratic Utopic Mechanization. 2 words : I just fucking ISN'T ! How can it be ?????????????
Impeaching trump, Voting him OUT and voting Biden IN DOES NOT AND CAN NOT Solve the Nation's Problems. WE'VE DONE THAT BEFORE >>>>> IT FAILED. Look where we are NOW.
We can't just Vote & Hope. We Voted IN Obama as Mr. Hope. EVERYTHING we "Hoped for" has been dismantled >> beam by beam, post by post.
The White House has become a Chain-Link Fortress. Hope ain't gonna dismantle that Wall.
Impeaching trump, Voting him OUT and voting Biden IN DOES NOT AND CAN NOT Solve the Nation's Problems. WE'VE DONE THAT BEFORE >>>>> IT FAILED. Look where we are NOW.
We can't just Vote & Hope. We Voted IN Obama as Mr. Hope. EVERYTHING we "Hoped for" has been dismantled >> beam by beam, post by post.
The White House has become a Chain-Link Fortress. Hope ain't gonna dismantle that Wall.
One Nation Invisible
No One figured trump - a Hitlerian / Stalinist with Communist Affinities - would or COULD ascend to Power in the > Wealthiest Most Racist Nation In The World < either. Yet .....
Here we are AGAIN. CITIZENS being executed IN THE STREET for the CRIME of being "Off" "Color" >>>> For Protesting Injustice >>> For DESIRING a "More Perfect Union".
The only thing that TRULY 'matters' is POWER. "White Power" to be specific.
White Power views Protests as ANTI-AMERICAN. Trump's regime has tagged
"Protesters are TERRORISTS !"
When Truth is Invisible > Power Rules.
Here we are AGAIN. CITIZENS being executed IN THE STREET for the CRIME of being "Off" "Color" >>>> For Protesting Injustice >>> For DESIRING a "More Perfect Union".
The only thing that TRULY 'matters' is POWER. "White Power" to be specific.
White Power views Protests as ANTI-AMERICAN. Trump's regime has tagged
"Protesters are TERRORISTS !"
When Truth is Invisible > Power Rules.
Friday, June 5, 2020
My Generation had a "skin" "in the Game". We were being conscripted to fight a War No One Had Declared, a War against Communism, manifested in Vietnam, a rice paddy Jungle of barely Civilized FARMERS, whose Battle Operative was a Chinese Government hell-bent on expanding their Empire.
Stalin had scared the fuck out of every normal Human. After the Holocaust No One figured that Ethnic Cleansing would Once Again occur to stricken and Horrify the World with such Inhuman Atrocity. Yet .......
And then there was Nikita Khrushchev taking off his shoe and banging on his U.N. desk shouting,
You Kidz missed all that.
And then there was Nikita Khrushchev taking off his shoe and banging on his U.N. desk shouting,
You Kidz missed all that.
What Lies Ahead
In 1971 Dick Gregory's No More Lies The Myth and Reality of American History was published by Harper & Row out of New York, New York. The title of each chapter begins with "The Myth of..."
We've been 'here' before. You kidz can't possibly remember Kent State, how the Government sent in Soldiers carrying "full metal jacket" ammo .... It sent them in against college Kidz protesting Vietnam for the millionth or so time. The Gov had had enough. The Command was given and Four Kent State Students were dropped like buffalo during a Slaughter Frenzy.
T-Shirts with Bull's Eye on the Back were worn as Commemorative Regalia.
The Gov killing Its own 'Children' ~~~~~~~~~ ...
We thought THIS to be "Rock Bottom".
Not even close.......
We've been 'here' before. You kidz can't possibly remember Kent State, how the Government sent in Soldiers carrying "full metal jacket" ammo .... It sent them in against college Kidz protesting Vietnam for the millionth or so time. The Gov had had enough. The Command was given and Four Kent State Students were dropped like buffalo during a Slaughter Frenzy.
T-Shirts with Bull's Eye on the Back were worn as Commemorative Regalia.
The Gov killing Its own 'Children' ~~~~~~~~~ ...
We thought THIS to be "Rock Bottom".
Not even close.......
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Bunker Hole
Remember where we found Hussein ?
It was in a shit hole where he was COWERING like rat cornered by a CAT .
THAT'S where we find trump now,
his bunker IZ that very same Shit Hole.
Rock steady........steady as She goes....
It was in a shit hole where he was COWERING like rat cornered by a CAT .
THAT'S where we find trump now,
his bunker IZ that very same Shit Hole.
Rock steady........steady as She goes....
The Army Of The Awakened
I have tagged American Protesters as 'The Army of the Awakened'. I also find it INFINITELY HEARTENING that Fellow Globalists in MANY Nations have aligned Themselves with this Army in an Effort to Voice Their SOLIDARITY with and FOR the PLANETARY RIGHT to have PEACE Manifested as JUSTICE !!!! The Beauty is Pure, the Value IMMEASURABLE !!!!
"...the Horror.........the Horror........"
You can see it rite ? A "man" standing before an almost 'burned-out' 'church' -- holding a Bible ..... .
How can we not 'read', "I did this" ??? "I am responsible for the semi-Destruction of All Things Hallowed and Sacred ?.... . " "Is not this shuttered church Proof ?" "Can you not detect the hell-fire Fumes of Tear Gas ?" "Are not your ears still ringing in the sheaves of echo reverberations from Flash BANG grenades ? "Surely you know, I DID THIS !!! "
He stood PROUD of his Destruction while we stood transfixed by the Horror---the Horror !
How can we not 'read', "I did this" ??? "I am responsible for the semi-Destruction of All Things Hallowed and Sacred ?.... . " "Is not this shuttered church Proof ?" "Can you not detect the hell-fire Fumes of Tear Gas ?" "Are not your ears still ringing in the sheaves of echo reverberations from Flash BANG grenades ? "Surely you know, I DID THIS !!! "
He stood PROUD of his Destruction while we stood transfixed by the Horror---the Horror !
The Church had been 'shuttered', yet one more Victim of Political Pandemic. Some One had deemed it "meet and fit" to try and set ablaze Evangelical BLASPHEME, that of PRAISE and ADORATION of trump's Old Testament SEIZURE of Divine WRATH, VENGEANCE and INHUMAN CRUELTY.
For the Old Testament God is a JEALOUS God !!! "Let NO OTHER stand before ME". Are these not the words of Political Derangement and Divine PERVERSION ?? Thus are they delivered unto us by a SOUL-LESS MONSTER from the Depths of Hell Itself.
For the Old Testament God is a JEALOUS God !!! "Let NO OTHER stand before ME". Are these not the words of Political Derangement and Divine PERVERSION ?? Thus are they delivered unto us by a SOUL-LESS MONSTER from the Depths of Hell Itself.
Imperious Impostor
Just as you, I was APPALLED to witness the Armed Cavalry function as an Abrams M1-A1 to INTIMIDATE and BULLDOZE Peaceful American CITIZENS, those Congregating with THE AUTHORITY of the Constitution of the United States !!!!! I saw the Tear Gas being delivered and HEARD the Flash BANGS detonate ! It was a SICKENING Display of Ancient ROMAN Political ARROGANCE !!!!
It was STAGGERING to see trump and his retinue swagger to the Holy Grounds of Church only to BLASPHEME the Sacred of Most Holy Blessing -- that of > PEACE for ALL < !!!
Trump clumsily mis-handled the Bible, as if it were BURNING the flesh of his hand. I could smell the STENCH .......... .
We were informed that he and his actually produced Campaign Propaganda from this Imperious Atrocity.
Just when you think.....
It was STAGGERING to see trump and his retinue swagger to the Holy Grounds of Church only to BLASPHEME the Sacred of Most Holy Blessing -- that of > PEACE for ALL < !!!
Trump clumsily mis-handled the Bible, as if it were BURNING the flesh of his hand. I could smell the STENCH .......... .
We were informed that he and his actually produced Campaign Propaganda from this Imperious Atrocity.
Just when you think.....
Monday, June 1, 2020
I've gone as far as I'm gonna-go this morning. I declare My HEART & SOUL Allegiance to the MIGHT RIGHT of Rioters who are SIGNAL FIRING their DESPERATION to be RESCUED from Unemployment, Poverty, Hunger and Thirst.
This Nation was FOUNDED upon Christian "Ideals", those Same that designated the Slaughter of Muslims as a HOLY War.
The Puritans FLED England, where Kingship oppressed them at EVERY 'Turn'.
The Founding Beer Swillers were UNABLE to apprehend the INHUMAN Nature of Slavery.
You would think that Humans could recognize Other HUMANS.
You want to BELIEVE that Civilization could and WOULD "bring about" a Humanity registered to acknowledge The Freedom To Live Without Fear.
The Rescue of Other Human Beings from the Savages and Ravages of Socio-Economic OPPRESSION should be of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE !!!
To be True to Ourselves is to be TRUE to ALL OTHERS !!!!!!!!
Rock steady........steady as She goes....
The Fire IZ The Fear
Let's say I'm shipwrecked on an Island and all I have is my most cherished Items, Paper Degrees, wooden Swords, even wooden handled shovels and tools. In the distance I see a Vessel. Know what I'm gonna do ? I'm gonna make a BONFIRE out of my Most Cherished so that I can be SEEN ! It DOESN'T MATTER that I may need these Same Items in order to plant whatever vegetables I may need at a Later Date. What matters, > what TRULY MATTERS < is that in order to be RESCUED I MUST ignite a BLAZE that can be seen for MILES.
Setting those Buildings and Home Town Structures on Fire is that same DESPERATION OF URGENCY !!!!!!!!!!!! The abject VIOLENT NECESSITY >>>>TO BE SEEN !!!!!!
Setting those Buildings and Home Town Structures on Fire is that same DESPERATION OF URGENCY !!!!!!!!!!!! The abject VIOLENT NECESSITY >>>>TO BE SEEN !!!!!!
The Fire IZ The FURY
Gandhi and King Jr. ARE to be admired>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to a POINT !!!!
There is a Point at which Peaceful Protests are nothing more than CHARITY Walks To Alleviate Guilt, Shame, and Sorrow >> rather than to FORCE "Recognition" unto officials who are ALREADY 'Aware' of Injustices, Deformations and Degradations but whose Lives DEPEND upon Such in order to MAINTAIN the Existential SANCTITY of Status Quo NORMALITY.
You put a MILLION nay TWO MILLION Folks in the Streets , all of whom are declaring, "Hey We're PISSED !!!" and all you REALLY 'have' is a lot of Energy that looks to the world as 2 million folks "pissing into the wind".
You know what the Status Quo thinks ? "Let them piss".
There is a Point at which Peaceful Protests are nothing more than CHARITY Walks To Alleviate Guilt, Shame, and Sorrow >> rather than to FORCE "Recognition" unto officials who are ALREADY 'Aware' of Injustices, Deformations and Degradations but whose Lives DEPEND upon Such in order to MAINTAIN the Existential SANCTITY of Status Quo NORMALITY.
You put a MILLION nay TWO MILLION Folks in the Streets , all of whom are declaring, "Hey We're PISSED !!!" and all you REALLY 'have' is a lot of Energy that looks to the world as 2 million folks "pissing into the wind".
You know what the Status Quo thinks ? "Let them piss".
Shit River
When Desperation reaches Critical Mass DESPAIR there is and forever WILL BE "Riot".
But this "Riot" isn't JUST "Destruction for Destruction's 'Sake' as though Primitive Instincts are somehow released to overcome a Civilized Consciousness that itself has been bombarded by an incessant "Thou shalt NOT 'Rock the Boat'"...a boat on Shit River.
I've been in on Pillage and Plunder Operations. Us Folks with NOTHING except Ferocity of Will and Anger, us folks that View a Contented Civilization as Socio-Economic ANATHEMA ~~ us Folks who View Destruction and Pillage as HONORABLE Attributes of WARTIME Reality.
I've been there when Shit River has been set ablaze.
But this "Riot" isn't JUST "Destruction for Destruction's 'Sake' as though Primitive Instincts are somehow released to overcome a Civilized Consciousness that itself has been bombarded by an incessant "Thou shalt NOT 'Rock the Boat'"...a boat on Shit River.
I've been in on Pillage and Plunder Operations. Us Folks with NOTHING except Ferocity of Will and Anger, us folks that View a Contented Civilization as Socio-Economic ANATHEMA ~~ us Folks who View Destruction and Pillage as HONORABLE Attributes of WARTIME Reality.
I've been there when Shit River has been set ablaze.
Wry It
I've been waiting for Media Nit and Dim Wits to produce depiction that qualifies as psychologically accurate ... a representation of Riot MIND that encompasses Common Sense Reasoning and Imagination Absolutes. I'm looking to THEM to supply affirmation for MY analytical interests. You can see the Problem.
It seems, no check that, Status Quo-ers can't understand the the True Nature of Riot Mind. How does a well-intention-ed Peaceful Protest, itself a religious Oxymoron, de-evolve into a Riot where Destruction is viewed as Desecration ? 2 words >> Easy.
It seems, no check that, Status Quo-ers can't understand the the True Nature of Riot Mind. How does a well-intention-ed Peaceful Protest, itself a religious Oxymoron, de-evolve into a Riot where Destruction is viewed as Desecration ? 2 words >> Easy.
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