Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Summer Samadhi

It's Summer.  Yesterday I went barefoot for the first time, the grass and clover, thick, warm,, and wet.
I wore only a t-shirt and Levis, heavy actually --------  I walked around to gather my Wits about me....
The Bay had sent in It's Fog, also,  thick, warm,, and wet....________________  .

Previous Days had me DEAD Set upon "Building the Road", an access pathway behind the Boulders at the Edge Of The Property, my Version of "The West Side Story".  I had been reduced to hands and knees, mason hammer, hoe, spaded shovel ~~~~  I couldn't BARE to work standing up, I had no back, no arms, no legs ()... I was sorting rocks by size, th r ee pails  small-medium- and fist size.  I know rite ? 

I knew what I was doing and WHY ~~~~~  It didn't help.

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