Saturday, June 6, 2020

In Stink

I have cautioned you Kidz that there may NOT be a Cure of Covid-19, nor can Racism be Cured...indeed both must be MANAGED.  Racism exists in our DNA as part of a Protective Agent that recognizes DIFFERENCE as POSSIBLE Threat to Existence.  Racism is Instinctual DISTRUST for it is so much SAFER to DIS-Trust than to Trust.  Are we not wary of a dog who growls menacingly ?   Why should we Trust that he or she is loving ?   Instinct protects us.

But here, rite here and rite NOW, our PRIMITIVE Instincts must be subjected to MODERN Scrutiny, for are we to remain SLAVES to our Instinctual Primitivity ?   Of course not.  It is NOT "Enough" to recognize 'The Need For Change', we MUST initialize Transformation by ACCEPTING the Challenge to Enter the Future.  Civilization breeds Sophistication, Here, Instinct is NEUTRALIZED not only by Common Sense but by Higher Order Reasoning that itself views PEACE above ALL ELSE as the Essential GOAL of Human Existence.

We MUST resolve Ourselves to PEACE, where the Manifestations of Peace are JUSTICE, EQUALITY under the Law, and Societal STABILITY. 

We must be Brave to enter this Brave New World.

Rock steady..........steady as She goes....

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