Sunday, June 14, 2020

"Oak tree, you're in my way"..........

You can 'see' the Problem.   Most Americans do NOT 'Know who They "ARE" '.   When asked, they simply state their Name, as if IT supplies the necessary and recondite Solution of Identification.  Of course it does NOT.  So -----what then ???

Many Folks, live within the Solace of Herd Mentality.  Indeed, "Man is a Social Creature".  That aint 'good' or 'bad' .... it just 'Is'.  What I'm sayin' is this :   It ISN'T 'good' to be a "Stranger To Yourself".
When you elevate THAT to Cosmic Levels, you can apprehend that 'America" does NOT 'Know' 'What It iz'.  Here, the Microcosm IZ the Macrocosm.  "Know the Oak, from the Acorn".

I'm gonna leave this here.  I'm gonna slide over to my Twitter Account  desliva_stephen @

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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