Thursday, June 4, 2020

Imperious Impostor

Just as you, I was APPALLED to witness the Armed Cavalry function as an Abrams M1-A1 to INTIMIDATE  and BULLDOZE  Peaceful  American CITIZENS, those Congregating with THE AUTHORITY of the Constitution of the United States !!!!!   I saw the Tear Gas being delivered and HEARD the Flash BANGS detonate !  It was a SICKENING Display of Ancient ROMAN Political ARROGANCE !!!! 

It was STAGGERING to see trump and his retinue swagger to the Holy Grounds of Church only to BLASPHEME the Sacred of Most Holy Blessing  -- that of   > PEACE for ALL <   !!! 

Trump clumsily mis-handled the Bible, as if it were BURNING the flesh of his hand.  I could smell the STENCH .......... .

We were informed that he and his actually produced  Campaign Propaganda from this Imperious Atrocity. 

Just when you think.....

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