Monday, June 29, 2020

Romancing the Stoned

You may want to go to my Twitter account @ desilva_stephen  to get a sense of the intellectual clusterfuck which suborns Truth with Childhood Mythology causing Delusion and sometimes Hallucinogenic Reveries fraught with Ego-Driven Insistences that GUARANTEE Failure at EVERY Turn and Super-Human Endeavor, but which CANNOT be Perceived at a Conscious Level until Failure is Reached. 

So it is with America, where Childhood Mythology, concretized in the "Pledge of Allegiance", DOMINATES a Political 'Romanticization' of Democracy which has caused a BLIND Trust to pervade American Society, Culture and its respondent Civilization.  We "Believe" because we were 'raised' to Believe that Democracy  >somehow<  has Fail-Safe Mechanisms to maintain Peace, Harmony and Material Prosperity.

The Orientation is based upon the Abstract and UNQUALIFIED Ideal, that Democracy is the 'End All'  and 'Be All' of Governmental Absolutes.  It is CHILDHOOD Delusion.

Look at Athens.   Look at Greece.   Look at Beijing.  Look at Istanbul.  Look at Tehran.

Now look at D.C.

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