Sunday, June 14, 2020

"Bye Bye Miss American Pie"....

It's not as if we must devise an entirely new Schema with which to Plan a new System of Government.  Some of Us are lookin' to simply salvage the 'good stuff' while using the 'tried and true' of what's available.  Some Salvage Operations are content to rescue bits and pieces, the Valuable Shit, for "Re-Purpose" or for 'accent' features for and of the New Product or Novel Presentations. 

I'm of the Mind, for this blog instant, to insist that Democracy is NOT "The Way To Go", since Democracy has FAILED as the Government of an INDUSTRIAL National Community.  We must not AVOID looking into the Cosmic Mirror.  The 'Face Of America is that of Donald John Trump. TRUMP IZ AMERICA !!!!  Democracy GUARANTEED his Ascendancy and with him that of RACISM, and dare I say FASCISM . 

Democracy has GENETIC Flaws.  It's DNA allows for and MAINTAINS a "Look the other way"
Consciousness that DENIES Reality and SUBVERTS the NECESSITY OF BRUTAL TRUTH.

Trump and his USED Democracy to gain the Leverage of Oppression.  We need no further Validation of Democracy's Obsolescence.

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