Monday, June 1, 2020

The Fire IZ The FURY

Gandhi and King Jr. ARE to be admired>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to a POINT !!!!
There is a Point at which Peaceful Protests are nothing more than CHARITY Walks To Alleviate Guilt, Shame, and Sorrow >>  rather than to FORCE "Recognition" unto officials who are ALREADY  'Aware' of Injustices, Deformations and Degradations but whose Lives DEPEND upon Such in order to MAINTAIN the Existential SANCTITY of Status Quo NORMALITY. 

You put a MILLION nay TWO MILLION Folks in the Streets , all of whom are declaring, "Hey We're PISSED !!!" and all you REALLY 'have' is a lot of Energy that looks to the world as 2 million folks "pissing into the wind". 

You know what the Status Quo thinks ?    "Let them piss".

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