Trump has been derided for his "Magical Thinking" a term of Psychology that denotes the use of 'wishful thinking' and 'fantasy fulfillment' as Ideation APPLICATIONS for National 'Observances' >> the Notion that the Plague Pandemic will (somehow) evaporate into 'Disappearance' is one fucking TERRIFIC example. Children 'THINK' in this manner, vis-a-vis Disney >> "When you wish upon a star" ~~~~~ .
I contend that not only is trump GUILTY of Childhood 'Indulgence' so it is with AMERICA AT LARGE, who view Democracy as the Ultimate and Supreme. This Orientation is SEVERE in its INABILITY to acknowledge FAULT and FLAW >> It is V---A---S---T Childhood Profundity that views "Father Knows Best" and applies THAT Mythology to our Founding FATHERS and makes THEM Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
Indeed Still Insights provide recognition of ego-driven Obstacles.