Wednesday, June 17, 2020

...never enough...

The Media has complained that No One will stand against trump FACE TO FACE and tell him he is an IMBECILIC MORON except maybe Rex Tillerson and we KNOW "What happened to him".  Reasons were blustered and blown about, creating NOT a "Din" but more of a pathetic 'whine'.  There were a PLETHORA of "Calls to Arms", Questions  "Where is there SOMEONE to challenge
trump ?"   Ridiculous. 

Yet, amidst this mosquito whine there WERE Columns of Truthful Analysis, Articles written by Advanced Thinkers, those of Superficial and Penetrating In and Out Sight whose Messages of In and Out Rage permeated the Social and Anti-Social Platforms.  This is US at our BEST.

'IT' wasn't enough for me.  How cood it be ?

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