Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bell Whether

When you go to 'Rebuild a Motor' the FIRST thing you gotta do is make CERTAIN the Engine Block is, quite literally, 'Sound'.  You know how They do this ?  They take the Empty Engine Block and bang it with a Ball-Peen Hammer.  If it 'rings true', the Sound is Pure.  If there are flaws, hidden fissures, cracks or other anomalies, it rings with impure Dissonance, sometimes a vibratory 'twine', sometimes a dull bass-end drag.  I mean, when it's bad YOU KNOW IT'S BAD !

So it is that in order to Rebuild America we gotta make CERTAIN our so-called Core is indeed PURE. 

Of course the Problem IZ  "What >EXACTLY<  IS Our 'Core' ????? !

What >EXACTLY< is 'America' ???? !

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