Friday, June 5, 2020

What Lies Ahead

In 1971 Dick Gregory's No More Lies   The Myth and Reality of American History was published by Harper & Row out of New York,  New York.  The title of each chapter begins with "The Myth of..."

We've been 'here' before.  You kidz can't possibly remember Kent State, how the Government sent in Soldiers carrying "full metal jacket" ammo ....   It sent them in against college Kidz protesting Vietnam for the millionth or so time.  The Gov had had enough.  The Command was given and Four Kent State Students were dropped like buffalo during a Slaughter Frenzy.

T-Shirts with Bull's Eye on the Back were worn as Commemorative Regalia.

The Gov killing Its own 'Children' ~~~~~~~~~ ...

We thought THIS to be "Rock Bottom".

Not even close.......

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