Monday, June 29, 2020

I Can Icon

Media Nit and Dim Wits have abrogated trump's Psychological Reality in order to 'hold' the Office Of The President with a Deference that borders on Mystical REVERENCE.  Recent attempts at INVALIDATING his Political Ideation because of his IGNORANCE, Inabilities, Incompetence and IRRATIONALITY have been cast around like so many mustard seeds on STONE.  What HAS gotten 'closer to the Truth' are IMAGES of a diaper clothed trump, in the midst of HIS global temper tantrum, resulting in HISSY FIT Cruelty, a VICIOUS Criminality that is routinely EXCUSED because of trumps RABID Juvenile DELINQUENCY .   

Understand this >   trump is a CHILD >>>  a spoiled rotten BRAT,  BIG for his age, Bully-ism Resulting.

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