Saturday, June 6, 2020

Risk Reformation

There is ABJECT Necessity to re-Think Democracy with the Intent of Change, where 'Change' 'means' Modification  code for RE-Formation.  If we leave this "Re-Form-ation to those Status Quo ANCIENTS, Modernization will be tainted if not CRIPPLED by THE grotesque Mentality that Injustice in all its most Hideous and HEINOUS Extremes MUST BE TOLERATED as part and parcel of the Democracy Experience.  The Injustice that ALL THINGS MUST BE TOLERATED is Democracy DNA.  I'm telling you Kidz POINT BLANK >>  This THIS is a FLAW in Democracy's Genetic Code.  It's the whole Happy Horse-Shit of "Live and Let Live"---it's acceptable to a Point until a Mass Murderer Slaughters Women and Children.  Should he have been allowed to construct his personal Armory once he has been IDENTIFIED as  "At Risk" ?????  Here it is that Democracy FAILS us.  This 'Failure' is 'built in' to Democracy.  It puts EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US  >>> AT RISK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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