Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Dragon Named "Gypsy"

Somewhere between "A Society rests upon its Artists and Criminals" and "The Individual is the foundation of the Empire" lies the Absolute Truth of The Dragon Named Gypsy.  In the Same Way that Eve had her Apple, I have my Gypsy, the Sum Total of All Human Knowledge and dare I say EXPERIENCE ! 

I cannot "Wish" nor "Hope" that Gypsy will materialize out of the Divine Invisibility in which she was  "I"-dentified.  No and FUCK NO !!!   I must make the Effort, the Tons and TONS of EFFORT, to bring her Being into Existence, to bring my SELF into VISIBLE Existence, in order to Express my Self as Equal to the Task, by Sanctifying the Sacred of Imagination and Inner Resolve.  For it is here, where Manual Labor is the FOUNDATION of "Movement" that Beauty, both Philosophical and Existential, can be released as Divine Blessing.

Certainly it is NOT "Enough" to have Desire and Intent.  If "Work is Love made Visible" then I must Love, UNCONDITIONALLY in order to Manifest GREATNESS of my UNIVERSAL Humanity.

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