Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Systemic Stupidity

I have an arrogant tendency to lump Most Americans with trump.  I think I STILL 'live by'
>"I LOVE Humankind, it's PEOPLE I can't stand." <   What separates me from POSITIVE-Ists is that THEY have 'Great Faith' in the so-called 'American People'.  These are the folks who IGNORE their Patriotic Responsibility  to WEAR A MASK, so as to PROTECT Others AND THEMSELVES from contaminating INNOCENTS.  This particular Form of Arrogance carries with it the PLAGUE of Ego-Centricity , that SAME Plague by which trump has infected MILLIONS. 

How am I to Trust my fellow Americans if they are Hell-Bent on not only sacrificing THEIR lives by blindfully indulging in Systemic Stupidity > Death Worshiping OBSTINACY resulting <  but  INTENTIONALLY putting US in THEIR "Harm's Way" with nothing but the most VICIOUS of Primal "Dog Eat Dog" Cruelty ????????

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