Friday, January 10, 2020

Bonehead of Space

marc fortin to Stephen DeSilva 1-9-2020 

"Faith mind can not be deciphered,, the bone of zen is not in writing,Zen has always been every where and is neither spread or repressed,wisdom does not require intelligible  words to transmit.Until you suspend judgement from looking outside, and see what's behind ( i my me) the desire will continue from joining us who wallow in the light of freedom and are living proof of the efficacy of (Perceive sound path Light)KUDK. .it was transmitted directly as energy flowing in the universe.what you would call nirmamkaya, or true transmission from a diety in awake dreaming.  This is how Manjushri teachs a Yidam,,,,by the fruit you will know the tree Thebfree).  You could find the mountain king (Sanno Ichjitsu Kamii in Korean San DAE Shin) at any time,,when you get that there is nothing to attain)!  out down Stephen and your obfuscated opinions and you can attain ((No Thing,)/sanshin (mountain king) and Chilseong( the spirit projected from the 7 stars)  This is the energy body(in KUDK the electric warrior) Sambokakaya Oh Steve I i wonder if you even know that in mind sword temple you enterd by the Liju Mun and learned the sword forms of Cheon wan mun your sword forms even went as far as the hall called 36 Chambers Nugak., here what you arroagantly call an adjunct of Shim Gum Do could lead to a hall that was withheld from all of Kim's students . ...

1 comment:

  1. As this was exclusively for you only you have the context to understand its nomenclature.It is unedited and full of grammar errors and spelling bits,,do you think it is smart or cool to avoid digesting that which you already know is tailored to fit your yours in the dharma Marc KJN
