Sunday, January 26, 2020

"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"

It's not a simple degradation of Personal Commitment, the one where hypocrisy can account for the diminution of Vow Integrity.  At least, I'm not seeing that way.  There WERE Folks of Ancient Times who STOOD FAST in their Marriage Vow simply bc they HONORED It as Sacred TRUST.  "I PROMISE" and  "I give you my WORD" ~~~~ both of these CONCRETIZED Belief in the Divine Abstract of the IDEA of Indivisible UNITY that MUST endure Any and ALL Hardship and Suffering.  Marriage as Sacrament, if upheld, could GUARANTEE "Entrance" to Heaven---or so we were taught.

When Nietzsche "killed" God, Heaven was also destroyed.  Not only were "All bets are off"--all Vows were emptied of MEANING.   Marriage as Sacrament, as Vehicle to Heaven, became Earthly, meaning, Marriage was reduced to Pleasure Vehicle, a "Good Times" Carnival Ride.  Here it was that the Marriage "Ticket" could be REVOKED by one or both "Parties".  Once Marriage stopped being "The Fun House", it was doomed. 

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