Monday, January 6, 2020


I thought of writing an "Aplogia" but not one of my many "Stephens" came forward to take a Seat before the Screen of Truth.   Worse, I don't know whether to be Iranian or American, since the Essence of Both is Empiric Affrontery, which itself is genteel-ed Atroctiy.  Let me qualify >>  Empiric Atrocity >>   that even LOOKS "better".  There  IZ a "Defense" for War, Hitler is Precedent,   BUT !!!!!!!!!!! ..............

Had "IT" been on a Battle Field, where Honor and Duty are enmeshed in a perverted form of Nobility, the one where Human Ideals, are REVERED and WORTHY of Human Sacrifice.  Instead, as if Drones were Air-borne Ninja, there was "Lightning Death From The Eyes Of Long Dead Skulls". if Death could be "Heaven Sent". 

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