Saturday, January 25, 2020

"He's just a traitor to himself."

Media broadcasters, pundit wanna-bees, and Other Voices are STILL expressing exasperated bewilderment over the lack of republican "Loyalty" to the American Constitution.  They whine and cry, bemoaning the "Present State Of Affairs";  the Condition of Loyalty to a fucking DESPOT, and the callous, perhaps obsequious but nonetheless BLATANT disregard for  an Oath they Swore, " help them God."   Media Nit and Dim Wits can't seem to understand the Basic Simplicity of ,  You DON'T 'bite the hand' that greeds you."  So Simple it's stupit.

Some-where near 16 and a half "Forever" "Ago-s" I wrote that if Mitt Romney messaged me that he needed my Rhetoric Scathe to use as Weapon Against Obama, and that Romney would PAY me $100,000 for ONE Year's Production, then I would take up my lap-top and mouse and GLADLY scurry over to Mitt's Nest and begin rite-ing LICKETTY-SPLIT. 

Money of that Nature, poisoned or not, would influence me to ABANDON if not TOTALLY Disregard any and ALL my Inhibitions against Working With The Enemy in order to secure MY OWN Material Well-being.  I have NEVER known Conspicuous Wealth, I have spent my entire LIFE in steadfast CONTEMPT of it.  However.....

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