Here is the backdrop : Marc Fortin has saved my Life on several occasions. When I had woefully neglected Mind Sword Meditation he made me videos of his Sword Forms which then brought me back from the Precipice of Extinction. When I was about to be divorced he sent me ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. When I Needed $1,400 he sent me a STATUE worth $1,400. That's Marc.
I all the time I've known him, since 1977, do you know now many times he has asked about me ? Once. And Once is being unfathomable-ly generous. Marc's Ego extends throughout the Universe as far as he can see. It is ironic, in every worst sense of the mis-use of "ironic",, that he accuses me of Ego Omnipresence. Such is the nature of Marc and Stephen.
Such is the state of a brothers love that all the rancor and squabbling is only in the social world.Spiritual bonds that have shattered the 12 links of dependent origination, can never be valued on a material plane.As you have found and followed your direction so have I , comparing our Karma bodies is something only those beings lost in space engage in.what I say is I would be much less were you not by my side and you would be much less if I were not by yours. We are both flawed beings yet as swordsmen and Bodhisattvas rare and special jewels.Our brilliance is not and never was our egos but rather all the help and wish fulfilling kindness we have shown to others.This is your wisdom and always has been,you are the opposite of Alice , so rest in the assurance that neither of us has gained or wants any merit for our practice of the next right thing.In this place know i don’t care if it is useless to pull you to higher grades of swordsmanship, because you certainly are complete and always have been ,,, Your younger brother Marc