Monday, January 6, 2020


Iran IZ America --- Americz IZ Iran  >>   therefore  Iranica  --  Amerian   a Philosophical Derivative of "Form is Emptiness ---  Emptiness is Form". 

In the same way that Iranians were STARVED for some form of RELIEF so it is with Americans Starved for RELIEF from rabid DOMESTIC Terror, imposed by a Government BY the Rich and FOR the Rich, a Condition experienced because of INSTINCTUAL Insanity clumsily described as National Security.  Here it is where Governmental Expenditure DENIES Population Necessities, Food, Work, Housing, and Their Ideological Antecedents, Fairness, Justice and Prosper-ational Equanimity. 

There aint no difference between Us and Them, They ARE Us >>>>  We ARE Them.

Death catalysts Unity.

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