Sunday, January 26, 2020

Vow Wows

I need to add or "add-just" to comments I made yesterday.  With regard to the Failure To Keep The Vows Of Loyalty To The Constitution on the part of Government Officials, specifically members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, I NEED you Kidz to view their "Vows" as MARRIAGE Vows, just as a way to recognize Present Day "Truth" as Conditioned upon Conditionality. 

In Ancient Olden Times Marriage Vows were a Sacred Covenant between Husband and Wife and with GOD.  Marriage is suppose to be a Most Holy SACRAMENT and therefor Inviolable, and as such, was to extend into Perpetuity, IFF you lived that long.  "Until DEATH do us part" was the Prime Statement of  "I love you SOOOOOO Much".    Indeed, Roman Catholics expect EXCOMMUNICATION when they Divorce, such is the Sanctity of the Marriage Union in the Eyes of God and of Man.   ALL of us know THAT'S bullshit.   Spousal Abuse GUARANTEES the NECESSITY for the Instinct of Self-Preservation to "Kick In" ----- the One that MANDATES
"Kill or be killed" i.e., Kill the Marriage or be Killed BY It.

You can see that, rite ?

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