Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Shit-Hole Dogma

I have used and mis-used His Holiness the Dali Lama on sundry occasions, I'm not proud of it but can excuse it on ONLY literary considerations.  His Holiness judged, "A nation DESERVES the Government it has."  He was pointing to a MEDIEVAL Tibetan Government, NOT one of Modernity.

I feel compelled to quote His Holiness once again.  Americans did this "THIS" to Americans.  There is NO escape from this shit-hole Dogma. 

It is NOT just the "American" republicans who have willfully DELUDED the American Electorate.  The democRATS have been diabolically deceptive as well, proselytizing Heath Care Reform as Immediate and electorally accessible DESPITE the IMPOSSIBILITY of such Legislation EVER reaching the asshole's desk.  This is CORRUPTION !!!!!!!!!  The American Electorate should view it as such.

I have taken this as far as I can this morning.  Please forgive an old man.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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