Saturday, January 25, 2020

Stranger than his self...

"Struggling with Confusion, Disillusionment too---Will turn a man into a shadow...".   This lyric-ed by Steve Winwood in his Resignation of Divine Servitude, the one where a man is SLAVE to the Oppression of the Un-Conscious, the One that generates Self-Loathing as Armor against Injustice and Social Atrocity.  Winwood reviles, "...his hands are torn and bloody, from the scratching of his Soul".

No way I'm implying that American republicans even HAVE a "Soul", but they ARE "Shadows", animalistic GHOSTS of Human Potentiality.  Their "Sworn Duty" is NOT to the American Constitution, but to the Constitution of Greed, Avarice and Gluttony, which is offered to their Offspring as Inherited Wealth, thereby securing Evolution Bloodline Lineage, and with THAT
IMMORTALITY, which IZ the Prime Directive of Genetic Immutable Volition.

Instinct Rules.

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