Sunday, January 26, 2020

Non-Carnal Conjugal Fidelity

When one views the tw o Political Parties as Parents it's easier to condemn them as abject FAILURES and that's where Dr. Susan Forward's Volume, Toxic Parents "enters" and enters with "Flourish".  The WORST parents are those that demand, "Do as I SAY, not as I DO".  Next in line are those that do NOT "Keep Promises", and among the most VILE are those that favor one child at the savage expense of another.  I have morbid familiarity with ALL the Above, hence, my obsession with the Parties-As-Parents Simile, and, as if THAT, weren't enough, I have at my disposal, "Moonrise Kingdom" An Anatomy Of  Non-Carnal Conjugal Fidelity. 

As a make-believe writer it is sometimes im-fucking-possible to advance a system of thought because of "Relevancy".  I'm old and generations distance me from contemporary "Influences".  By using Social Institutions, (Marriage) I am able to bridge the "Great Divide" and therefore to make "Immediate and Proximal" the more rigorous aspects of Social Convention and  its perversions.

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