Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Athenian

There are Countries that consider themselves "civilized" yet who Legislate acts of Human Atrocity AGAINST Their Own Women.  I speak of Clitoral Excision a grotesque Barbarism that DEFILES Every and ALL Aspect of Cosmic Divinity as well as ANY "Aspect" of  Civilized Refinement.  How it is that Adult Human Males can consider themselves MEN is unfathomably bewildering.

I have yet to anthropomorphize "Democracy".  She is an Athenian Pastoralist, long-haired of Silken Coal,  with Goddess Universality in The Political Ways Of Men And Women.  As to her Age, only her Father, Father Time is of that Secret.  She IZ "Experienced".  She is a Priestess,  a Seductress, a Huntress and Sorceress.  She is capable of Shape-Shifting and she is a Speaker of ALL "Mother Tongues".  In Scope and Measure  She is Divine.  Above all else  Her Beauty is Unsurpassed.

Who would DARE to defile Her Body and Her Mind ?   Woe unto Mankind  there are many.

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