Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Manion Madness

Manion Madness has "descended" upon an Entire Nation.  It is a Global, Earthly Pandemic that has reached ASTRONOMICAL Heights.  It is a Madness driven by Gluttony and Avarice the likes of which has been UNIMAGINABLE among Civilized Empires and as such HAS NO LIMITS.  There is NOTHING that the American republicans won't do or won't say in order to retain THEIR Status Quo.  Lying, Cheating, Stealing, are all Lesser Defilement  compared to the Assault and RAPE of Democracy, whose mouthed is taped, Her hands bound and Her feet shackled.  The republicans are nothing more than VICIOUS Gang ANIMALS led by Dirty Bitch McConnell who, as Warlord, seeks nothing less than the Subjugation of an Entire Population already made feeble by HIS incessant flagellation of Innocents by Corrupt Officials who know only of THEIR Ravenous Demands, for it is abject CRUELTY that now governs a Land once renown for Its Democratic MAJESTY. 

Gone now, all gone.

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