Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Prodigal Daughter

Remember the Story of The Prodigal Son ?   Well, I'm the son that stayed behind and worked the farm sacrificing a REAL "Life" for Familial Piety. 

I'm gonna dig out that Story once again if only to PUNISH my self with Whip and Lash. 

Listen Kidz, when my Sister left, she did so bc she HATED Small Time Confinement and Restriction.
Once she attained World Class Status not ONCE did she invite either me or my father to visit, not once, not EVA.  She got as Far Away as she possibly could, California.  She nevah "Looked back".

I'm extremely harummphed to see that there ARE  Lessons here, Universal Lessons.

I aint gettin' to them today.............. ~

Rock steady Sis........steady as You go....

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