Monday, December 2, 2019


There's an absolutely PUNISHING scene in the TV (soon to be Classic) Myth "Mr. Robot".  Elliot, the Protagonist, has just CRIPPLED the GLOBAL Financial Infrastructure, the result of HIS Schizophrenia and Abject LONELINESS, and stands before a Victim who lashes, "Why Eliot, WHY DID YOU DO IT ??? "  There's a grotesquely PREGNANT Pause, >> Eliot's face is contorted by CATASTROPHIC Confusion,>>  he rejects Abortion but can Birth only, "I wanted to save the World." 

I have spoken those words, I LIVE to speak those words.   I Manifest those Words daily. 

I have teased you Kids with my own Salvationist Extremeism . 

WHY I want to "Save The World" is THE DOMINANT FACTOR .

To go Orwell / Jung "Mind-meld" ===

Saving the World MEANS Saving myself.